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Why I Started

Some of the reasons why I decided to pick up the guitar is because I was inspired by some of my favorite artists and also because of the fact that I enjoy listening to music. Since when I remember I have always enjoyed listening to music where the guitar being played in the background and hearing all the beautiful tones it creates. Watching my favorite artists play the guitar have fascinated me due to the fact on how easily they make it look and how much fun they have doing it. It is for these reasons why I started playing but its not as easy as I thought it would be. In my experience I found out that you need a lot of patience and time to learn how to play the guitar. As nice as it would sound being able to jam out to any song you want the first day you start is great but realistically its not like that. Its not impossible but the only way you can get there is by practicing a learning the basics.

How I Started

I started by researching and informing myself on everything there is know about a guitar. I would look up different videos on how to play the guitar and on what is the best way for beginners to start learning. I downloaded an app called “Guitar Tuna” to help me tune my guitar so all the notes played sound crisp and clean because without it being tuned it doesn’t sound great. After learning how to tune my guitar I started to practice an exercise which would help my fingers get stronger and more flexible. This exercise consists of me using my all four fingers. You start by pressing down on the first tab, 6th string with your first finger. Then the second tab, still on the 6th string with your second finger and so on. Once done with the 6th string I would start over, except now I will start on the 5th string and do this all the way down till I would get to the 1st string. Once on the 1st string I would go all the way back up over and over again. I would do this until my fingers would start bleeding or until I got tired. Recently I have started to learn chords. For example C, A, G, D, E, Am, Em, and Dm. According to “” these are the most important chords for beginners.

Image result for guitar chords

Learning the Guitar
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One thought on “Learning the Guitar

  • October 26, 2016 at 9:22 pm

    Good post Adrian. Always try your best and practice so that one the you can have the maximum capacity of playing your guitar the way you want it. I think this post deserves a great grade and keep up good work bro.


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